Black Bathroom Mold

For the past months I have been searching for the reason why there is fluid under my eyes and as to why one eye seems more swollen than the other one.

I have seen a few doctors. They don’t know. They don’t care. You wait weeks to see them and only get a few minutes. The highpoint was that one asked me for photographs to prove one of my eyes wasn’t always more swollen than the other. Why address the problem, when you can boot it away for the next doctor, who will in turn take weeks to see?

When I stopped using fabric softener the problem got better, but not totally better.

When I started drinking more water, my eyes seemed no longer as swollen in the mornings, but still the problem still existed.

A few days ago, I discovered a few patches of black mold in our bathroom. A couple were in ceiling corners. A few others were around the base of a window. One of those windows was above eye level. I regularly opened and closed the window with black mold at its base almost every day. The mold wasn’t readily noticeable as the window is high up.

I suspect opening and closing the window every day may have caused some mold products to enter my eye, hence causing the swelling.

I have seen many posts on the Internet with people complaining of one swollen or puffy eye. Nobody seems to work out why this is happening. Well I have one puffy eye and wish to share what I think may be the cause.

It is subjective, but I think cleaning away the bathroom black mold has reduced the swelling under my eye. I will have to give it at least a week to know for sure.

2 thoughts on “Black Bathroom Mold

  1. Anymore news on this? I am starting to suspect my swollen eyes and rash around them are due to mould. We just moved into a new house in October and that’s when it started. There’s black mould in quite a lot of places in the house. I’d be interested to hear how it’s turned out for you. Thanks so much.

    • Black mould in bathrooms is terrible. I got rid of the black mould by soaking pieces of tissue paper in bleach and pressing them onto the areas of black mould. I left them on for several hours and then took them off and rinsed everything down with water. However I hear bleach is only a temporary solution, because bleach does not penetrate below the surface. I hear vinegar is better than bleach for killing mould more permanently.

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